Monday 31 January 2022

Yoruba Number System | Yoruba Numerals

 The Yoruba counting system is a vigesimal or base-20 (base-score) numeral system. The vigesimal system (ogún: 'twenty'/'score') involves addition, subtraction and multiplication as can be seen in the tables below.
Oókàn (number 1) is a contraction of owó ọ̀kan 'one cowrie'; 2–10, 20, and 30 are analogous.
**  (number 10) is a contraction of lé ẹ̀wá 'and ten'.
*** Ẹ́ẹdógún (number 15) is a contraction of aárùndí(n)(l)ogún 'five less than twenty'.
> : Less than

0ọ̀do   nil
11ọ̀kanlá1 + 10
12èjìlá2 + 10
13ẹ̀tala3 + 10
14ẹ̀rinlá4 + 10
15ẹ́ẹdógún5 < 20
16ẹẹ́rìndílógún4 < 20
17eétàdílógún3 < 20
18éjìdílógún2 < 20
19oókàndílógún1 < 20
21ọ̀kanlelogún20 + 1
22èjìlelogún20 + 2
23ẹ̀talelogún20 + 3
24ẹ̀rinlelogún20 + 4
25ẹ́ẹdọ́gbọ̀n5 < 30
26ẹ̀rindílọ́gbọ̀n4 < 30
27ẹ̀tadílọ́gbọ̀n3 < 30
28èjìdílọ́gbọ̀n2 < 30
29oókàndílọ́gbọ̀n1 < 30
31ọ̀kanlelọgbọ̀n30 + 1
32èjìlelọgbọ̀n30 + 2
33ẹ̀talelọgbọ̀n30 + 3
34ẹ̀rinlelọgbọ̀n30 + 4
35aárùndílogójì5 < (20 × 2)
36ẹ̀rindílogójì4 < (20 × 2)
37ẹ̀tadílogójì3 < (20 × 2)
38èjìdílogójì2 < (20 × 2)
39ọ̀kandílogójì1 < (20 × 2)
40ogójì20 × 2
41ọ̀kanlelogójì(20 × 2) + 1
42èjìlelogójì(20 × 2) + 2
43ẹ̀talelogójì(20 × 2) + 3
44ẹ̀rinlelogójì(20 × 2) + 4
45aárùndíládọ́ta5 < 50
46ẹ̀rindíládọ́ta4 < 50
47ẹ̀tadíládọ́ta3 < 50
48èjìdíládọ́ta2 < 50
49ọ̀kandíládọ́ta1 < 50
51ọ̀kanleládọ́ta50 + 1
52èjìleládọ́ta50 + 2
53ẹ̀taleládọ́ta50 + 3
54ẹ̀rinleládọ́ta50 + 4
55aárùndílọgọ́ta5 < (20 × 3)
56ẹ̀rindílọgọ́ta4 < (20 × 3)
57ẹ̀tadílọgọ́ta3 < (20 × 3)
58èjìdílọgọ́ta2 < (20 × 3)
59ọ̀kandílọgọ́ta1 < (20 × 3)
60ọgọ́ta20 × 3
61ọ̀kanlelọgọ́ta(20 × 3) + 1
62èjìlelọgọ́ta(20 × 3) + 2
63ẹ̀talelọgọ́ta(20 × 3) + 3
64ẹ̀rinlelọgọ́ta(20 × 3) + 4
65aárùndíládọ́rin5 < 70
66ẹ̀rindíládọ́rin4 < 70
67ẹ̀tadíládọ́rin3 < 70
68èjìdíládọ́rin2 < 70
69ọ̀kandíládọ́rin1 < 70
71ọ̀kanleládọ́rin70 + 1
72èjìleládọ́rin70 + 2
73ẹ̀taleládọ́rin70 + 3
74ẹ̀rinleládọ́rin70 + 4
75aárùndílọgọ́rin5 < (20 × 4)
76ẹ̀rindílọgọ́rin4 < (20 × 4)
77ẹ̀tadílọgọ́rin3 < (20 × 4)
78èjìdílọgọ́rin2 < (20 × 4)
79ọ̀kandílọgọ́rin1 < (20 × 4)
80ọgọ́rin20 × 4
81ọ̀kanlelọgọ́rin(20 × 4) + 1
82èjìlelọgọ́rin(20 × 4) + 2
83ẹ̀talelọgọ́rin(20 × 4) + 3
84ẹ̀rinlelọgọ́rin(20 × 4) + 4
85aárùndíládọ́rùn5 < 90
4 < 90
87ẹ̀tadíládọ́rùn3 < 90
88èjìdíládọ́rùn2 < 90
89ọ̀kandíládọ́rùn1 < 90
91ọ̀kanleládọ́rùn90 + 1
92èjìleládọ́rùn90 + 2
93ẹ̀taleládọ́rùn90 + 3
94ẹ̀rinleládọ́rùn90 + 4
95aárùndílọgọ́rùn5 < (20 × 5)
96ẹ̀rindílọgọ́rùn4 < (20 × 5)
97ẹ̀tadílọgọ́rùn3 < (20 × 5)
98èjìdílọgọ́rùn2 < (20 × 5)
99ọ̀kandílọgọ́rùn1< (20 × 5)
100ọgọ́rùn20 × 5

*** igbéo (200) is a contraction of igba owó 'a heap of cowries'.

100ọgọ́rùn20 × 5
200igba; igbéo200
300ọ̀ọ́dúrún100 < 400
100 < (200 × 3)
600ẹgbẹ̀ta200 x 3
100 < (200 × 4)
800ẹgbẹ̀rin200 x 4
900ẹ̀ẹ́dẹ́gbẹ̀rún100 < (200 × 5)
1000ẹgbẹ̀rún200 x 5

Thursday 21 January 2021

Journey of a Thousand Miles - Poetry Drone Film with DJI Mavic Mini

Let's take a minute to travel a thousand miles,

Never minding that we are thousands of miles apart.

When life pushes us thousands of miles apart,

We create a path to be a thousand miles closer.

No matter how far you are,
I will always be less than a minute away.
Answering whenever you call,
Paying no mind to the distance between us.

Let us take a minute to travel a thousand miles,
So we can both be together where we belong.

Friday 16 October 2020

New Nigeria - E Go Better

‘E go better, Nigeria, go better’ 

That phrase got popular a long time before I was born.

However, I hope its use will come to an end in my lifetime because a lot of people were born, used that phrase and passed away without anything getting better.


In a country with irregular power supply, it was by the grace of God that my delivery was safe.

The doctors and nurses on duty must have screamed ‘Up NEPA’ and whispered “Down  Nepa” a few times the night I was born.

From one thing to the other, it’s like from ‘fry pan to fire' and this makes me ask myself if Nigerians will ever be free from the jailer!

African Giant dwarfed by corruption and nepotism

“Eni ti a fi jẹ oye awodi ti ko le gbe adiẹ”

(Sworn Falcon incapable of capturing a chicken)

From the era of slave trade to colonisation, military rule, then the adoption of democracy; the newest form of enslaving Nigerians. 

The difference  now is the people vote for their slave masters in the name of rigged electoral practices under the guise of free and fair elections.

Coloniser sympathisers assuming position of Godfathers, continuously ‘masturbating’ in the corridors of power.

Nigeria is going through a lot of bad governance induced pain that makes it very difficult for many Nigerians to thrive. Many can barely survive.

Cost of living keeps soaring, minimum wage is a joke!

Can the law makers live on the minimum wage? #30k for civil servants while they lace their own pockets with billions.

The masses look forward to each election and hope for a change that doesn’t seem to be interested in a country where the only thing changing is the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer.

Majority drown in suffering, the rich minority live at the expense of the poor.

No basic amenities and the cost of poor level of education provided by many educational institutions is unbearable. 

Seems like the government is using illiteracy as a weapon to punish the people and as a veil to cover their eyes.

If you don’t know your legal rights, you can’t demand for it, none of us is free until we are all free.

“Guide our leader’s right

Help our youth the truth to know”

The youths now know our leaders are not guided, there’s no noble cause on their radar. 

Open your eyes Nigerians and wake up from your slumber. You’ve been cheated, looted, abused and ridiculed despite the gifts and resources' God has blessed you with.

“I pledge to Nigeria my country.

To be faithful, loyal and honest.

To serve Nigeria with all my strength

To defend her unity and uphold her honour and glory

So help me God”

There is no honour among thieves,

How can God help you if you don’t help yourself? After all, God helps those who help themselves.

What is it going to take to find a trustworthy man or woman in Nigeria on whose shoulder good governance can be entrusted? Will it ever be possible to get God-fearing people to guide Nigeria right and put an end to the suffering Nigerians have to strive through from birth?

The 11th largest oil producing country ( ) import refined oil products, yet there are supposed engineering companies and refineries in Nigeria. Of what use are they if Nigeria cannot refine its own oil at source?

Power to the government, none to the people, well maybe they’ve forgotten that they are meant to serve the people, and not the people serve them. The level of corruption is intolerable, and this has made life difficult for so many Nigerians in and outside Nigeria.

‘E go better’ people pray every day for things to get better, but God won’t come down from heaven to fix the things we have destroyed with our own hands.

Before things can get better, we need to get rid of all the bad, bring in good ideas and innovations then work on the good to become better. 

Allow the youths to use the power of their youth to be the leaders today.

We can no longer wait to be the leaders of a tomorrow that’s not certain. 

The young must be provided with good education, the government must work on improving the standard of living in Nigeria.

Police brutality must end! Anyone in position of power must know they are not above the law and must be held accountable for their actions or inactions. 

There is a lot to be said about Nigeria and how things should be improved, but I’m not just going to sit here and say ‘E go better’. 

The power of the people is mightier than the people in power.

I will work hard and spark the minds that will join forces to make Nigeria the country it has potential to be. 

God bless Nigeria and God bless you.

 Check out my books on Amazon:

Emotions and Belief

Poems About You

Friday 17 January 2020

Death Thou Art Cruel! | Solace When Going Through Loss of a Loved One

Nothing prepares you for the loss of a loved one.
It's a very dark place to be, time almost stops, the world almost seize to rotate. 
The void left drains one from within like a black hole.
Leg gives way on solid ground, solid rock starts to feel like shifting sand.
You feel like you are sinking on solid ground like it is possible to drown on top of a mountain.
Sometimes the heart is filled with hurt, sometimes it's broken and filled with void.
We seek and find solace in our faith and the hope that we will meet again to part no more.
To all those going through the agony of losing loved ones, my thoughts are with you and I pray and hope that we all find that solace that our hearts desire.

Here is a poem about DEATH!

DEATH thou art cruel!
You roam around casting your shadow,
Looking for who to consume.

DEATH thou art cruel!
You take one away,
Then break the hearts of many. 

DEATH thou art cruel!
You cut short what could have been,
And leave voids that can’t be filled.

Thursday 16 January 2020

The Chase - Spoken Word Poetry | BBC Upload Poetry



My heart is heavier,
I take my time to do everything.

My breaths are deeper,

And I take extra care when I talk

Just because I don’t want to hurt you.

The time goes by,

And it’s like the world is coming to an end.

The sun rises and sets,

The day increases in number,
Yet, it’s like things are not changing.
The world is spinning so fast without a destination,
But I have a determination
That will soon become a manifestation.
I’m reaching out for your heart,
And all I need is your love, trust, kindness and care.
The depth of the ocean can’t be compared to how
Deeply touched I am by your love.

The heights of the mountain won’t stop me from reaching out to you,
The distance to the sun won’t stop me from pursuing your love.


Saturday 4 January 2020


We went from 
Breaking all bounds,
Defiling all odds.

We went from 
Creating memories,
Making long term plans.

We went from 
The boundaries we broke overturned,
The odds now  turned against us.

We went from 
in a lifetime.
Created memories fading by the day,
All the made plans now unmade,
Deafening silence is all that remains.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Our First Christmas Tree

We are excited to share how we decorated our Christmas tree with you:
Subscribe to our channel:

Sunday 1 December 2019

Yoruba Challenge - Do You Think You Can Read Yoruba Language?

I wrote a new poem and asked my wife to read it first as usual (role of number one fan).

The poem is a mix of English and Yoruba, a true reflection of oral communication in our household.  
The moment she started reading, I realised how difficult it can be for a fluent Yoruba speaker like my wife to read Yoruba (I'd probably struggle if I have to read something in Yoruba that I didn't write). This led to an epiphany, the birth of #KelzYorubaChallenge. 

The aim of this challenge is to get as many people as possible to read the Yoruba language and share with others. Culture preservation is essential right? Just like the colourful culture displayed in many Nigerian traditional weddings you've seen, Yoruba languge is such a beautiful language and as a poet and author, I appreciate the language even more.

If you will like to take part in this challenge and join me to spread what I hope will be an awakening moment, you can follow these simple steps:

  •  Record yourself reading the poem below: 

Title: Life is a Beach (Written by Kelvin Obareti)

Life is a BEACH.
Classical ELEMENTS in sync,
A beauty to behold.

EARTH be kind to me,

Ilẹ Okẹrẹ, a f’ọkọ yẹri, alapo ika, 
Ma te ori ẹ, ma ṣe ohun rere.

WATER quench my thirst.

Omi la bu wẹ, Omi wẹ mi mọ
Omi la bu mu, ongbẹ Jinna s’ẹnu mi

AIR give me life,

Afẹfẹ o ni fẹ, ko ma kan Igi oko l’ara, 
afẹfẹ, fẹ ire ko mi l’ara.

LIGHT illuminate my soul.

Tan imọlẹ rẹ, Kin r’ona gba
Ki Ona la, kin l’aluyo.

  • Use the hashtag #KelzYorubaChallenge on your post and tag me on your choice of social media platform:
•Instagram: @kelzbaba
•Facebook Page: Created by Kelz
•Twitter: @Poetic_kelz 

Looking forward to receiving/watching your entry.

It's time for the sleeping children of Africa to wake up and connect back to the roots. Our source of wisdom, knowledge and everything else we are made of. 

Monday 6 May 2019

Chichen Itza | Walk around El Castillo | Pyramids

Enjoy as we take you on a journey around the impressive Chichen Itza (El Castillo). This is 1 of the 7 wonders of the modern world.
While the world was immersed in the Middle Ages, the Mayans built this majestic city, primary political centre of the Mayan Region. Its icon #ElCastillo, a pyramid dedicated to the god Kukuclan, is a testimony of this important culture's impressive mathematical and astronomical precision so important that it is named by UNESCO as 1 of the 7 wonders of the world.
The 91 steps on each side of the Pyramid and 1 on the altar add up to 365 steps, the number of days in 1 year.

Enjoy the video of the walkaround below:

Thursday 11 April 2019

Visit Dubai | Love from Dubai

Visit Dubai and explore the Desert Safari with Dune Bashing and drifting. We got wet in the Jumeirah beach and was in awe of the beautiful architecture and engineering of this modern city.